02305 970 88 38
Termine nach Vereinbarung
(einfach anrufen)

Ringstr. 29 (Altes Rathaus)
44575 Castrop-Rauxel
(Parkplätze 11+12 n. d. Gebäude)

Do you offer free photo shoots?

Yes, but only erotic photo shoots / nude pictures with the explicit understanding that I will use for my own advertising, both in the studio and online.

The terms and conditions are all out in an agreement which will require your signature. In the agreement, we note which of your photos I may not use.

This offer is only for persons 18 years and older. Proof of age is required.

I also offer free photo shoots for shooting in special locations, for example: you have a large swimming pool or similar.
But here is also a prerequisite for allowing me to use the images for my self-promotion.

As gratitude for your time and work, you will receive from me a CD containing all the files, including those I was not permitted to use, and along with 2 edited photos (20 x 30 cm).

Interested? Call for more details – Tel. 02305 4458357

Also, I am always looking for volunteers for my photo project „back tattoo“ (for more info click here).


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